The Pyramids of Bulgaria

The pyramids of Bulgaria hold a message about humanity’s cosmic origins.

The pyramids tell the story of Earth and humanity. They remind us why we’re here, since when and what’s our mission here on Earth.

Bulgaria is at the cross-roads of the ancient civilisations of Lemuria and Atlantis. And at Bulgarian megalithic sites we find evidence of construction by both these civilisations.

moon-number 3- triangle-pyramid-bulgaria
The Moon at the pyramids of Bulgaria

The alignments, elevation and erosion patterns all talk to us about WHEN the pyramids were built, WHO built them and WHY.

There are distinctive patterns across the megalithic sites and pyramids of Bulgaria in their location and position as well as the shape and composition of the stones.

Making sense of the numbers at the pyramids:

    Number 1: The Sun
    The pre-eminence of the Sun is clearly visible in the design and layout of the stones.

    Number 2: Double Pyramids
    In Bulgaria we find many double pyramids that remind us of the layout of constellations. They are a reflection of duality in cosmic harmony.

    Number 3: The Moon
    Number 3 and its geometric representation the triangle are ubiquitous across megalithic sites. They represent the Moon.

Lemuria at the pyramids of Bulgaria

Dating the pyramids

    When were the pyramids built?
    There is a message in the stones if we are ready to listen. The stones talk to us by their location, position, shape and composition. It is journey into humanity’s very ancient past that reveals a forgotten chapter of our origins.

    Who built the pyramids?
    Who are these pyramid builders who knew about constellations, planetary movements, Earth’s precession and the Golden ratio. They were able to create numerous and huge megalithic sites across Bulgaria.

    The Lemurian Stones are much larger, lumpier, less well-finished stones. They are found underneath at the lowest levels of the edifices and form the bulk of the pyramids.

    The Atlantean stones are relatively smaller and better-finished. They are found on top of the Lemurian stones.

When were the pyramids built?

How the pyramids were built:

    Quartz in the granite megaliths creates an energetic connection between Earth and Sun.

    The granite composites used to build the pyramids are man-made.

Why did they build pyramids:

    Why did they build pyramids?
    Why did they build so many and such huge megalithic sites across Bulgaria? Where did the impulse come from? Rudolf Steiner’s account of the Akasha Chronicles helps us make sense of what we see on the ground.

    Standing stones are statues of giants. They are the external memory of the first incarnations of humanity.

Giants at the pyramids of Bulgaria

The pyramids and megalithic sites of Bulgaria are a 4D map of the heavens above. They are a reflection of the macrocosm, an expression of divine art and wisdom in the words of Rudolf Steiner.

The aim of the Bulgaria Pyramid Project is to inventorise the megalithic sites of Bulgaria by finding patterns in their location and position as well as in the shape and composition of the stones. There is a message for those who are ready to listen.

And Rudolf Steiner’s reading of the Akasha Chronicle has helped us make sense of what we see on the ground. We have been able to answer the fundamental questions WHEN, WHO, WHY and HOW the pyramids were built.

Rozovets is one of the best preserved megalithic sites in Bulgaria

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