At the Pyramid of Stryama and the Double Pyramid of Pesnopoy we find patterns that remind us of the constellation of Orion.
Winter Triangle
In the diagonal lines of quartz and in the triangular shape of megaliths like the Tetrahedron in Rozovets we see patterns that remind us of the Winter Triangle which connects Betelgeuse from the Orion constellation, Procyon and the star system Sirius.
The shape of the Pyramid of Damyanovo reminds us of the constellation of Cancer.
Double Pyramids
There are many double pyramids in Bulgaria. And their location is specific. There are connections between them. There is possibly a pattern that reflects the layout of the stars we see in the arc that stretches from Orion through to the constellations of Gemini, Cancer and Leo.
More research is required to match what we see on the ground with what we see in the sky. Decoding the patterns in the location of the pyramids of Bulgaria will help us unlock the greater message of the cosmic origins of humanity.