The stones of Rozovets are tell us the story an early epoch of humanity. Early human history is molded in plain sight and can be understood by looking at the sites’ location and position as well as the shape and composition of its stones.

From the location we understand that the function of the site is determined by its position in relation to other megalithic sites in the region and beyond. From the lay out of the stones in specific geometrical formations we understand that their purpose is to reflect the cosmic order. The organic shape of the stones and their tilt reminds us of the continual rhythmic movement of the spheres around the sun that produces energy. And finally the composition of the quartz cement inlaid with quartz blocks tells us about the site’s purpose to transfer energy between Earth and the Universe.
The Middle Mountain band of megalithic sites
Rozovets is located in the Middle Mountain in Bulgaria South of the Central Balkan mountain range.
The neighbouring sites
Rozovets is one of the numerous megalithic sites of the Middle Mountain, many of which have not yet been visited and added to the inventory. Some are already inventorised:
- Rozovets is a myriad of clusters of standing stones that form grid lines spanning several kilometers across the hills. Like relay stations the clusters of stones are dotted parallel lines in an l East – West alignment.
The site of Rozovets is located between 600 and 800 metres elevation.
One of the three standing stones knocked backwards in a South to North movement.
There are diagonal lines at around 30 degrees South West to North East that cross lines that are nearly perpendicular at around 110 degrees North West to South East.
Whilst the Standing Stones are lined up one behind the other on a North – South axis that form a pyramidal formation.
The Standing Stones form a pyramid that has 5 levels.
The Tetrahedron is built on 5 levels.
Specific rock formations
- The Standing Stones
they form a pyramid. They are laid out on a cross that is aligned to the cardinal points
The standing stones were originally 3 standing stones lined up one behind the other on a North – South axis that form a pyramidal formation.

They form a cross that is contained
Two stones are still standing. The third one on the North side has fallen backwards in a South to North direction.
The Tetrahedron is a cluster of standing stones that forms a three dimensional triangle. It has 5 levels.
Each side seems to be equal in length, an equilateral triangle that reminds us of the Winter Triangle in the sky composed of the stars Sirius, Betelgeuse of the Orion constellation and Procyon.
The size of stones
Standing Stones
Each stone is around 5m high and up to 1.8m wide at the base and estimated to weigh around 25 tons
One of the smaller stones at the bottom of this triangular formation is 6m long at the base and 6m on either side. The stone laying above is also 6m in length.
The top megalith that forms the summit of this 3 dimensional triangle is 6m high from the ground to the top. At its base it is 5 by 7 meters wide. And I am only measuring the visible part which is above ground. Like an iceberg there is bound to be a part underground.
This monolith is estimated to weigh over 100 tons. It is perched on the edge of a hill with a 20% gradient and set within a precise triangular formation made up of a dozen similarly large stones.
The shape of the stones
In Rozovets the granite stones look soft and molded like they have just been poured out of a mold.
It is similar to the Hanan Pacha period in Machu Picchu.
In Rozovets the stones have a rounded shape as if they had been turned like clay on a potter’s wheel to imitate nature. The stones seem to hang in balance together like fruits on the branch of a tree.
The rounded shape reminds us of spiraling galaxies that reflect the ever-evolving nature of the universe as opposed to the static Earthbound matter found in square blocks which are moribund. By comparison Giza and Stonehenge are the reflection of an epoch when matter had already become denser and needed to be carved and broken to fit into an artificial structure.
Periods of construction
There are at least 2 distinct periods of megalith building in Rozovets. The Lemurian epoch which can be associated with the Hanan Pacha period and the early Atlantean epoch that can be associated with the Urun Pacha epoch.
For example the plinths which stand the Standing Stones would be the typical Lemurian stones that are much larger, lumpier and less well finished. The actual Standing Stones are from the early Atlantean epoch as they are relatively smaller and better shaped and finished.
There are stones in Rozovets that seem to have been made at a later epoch. They are relatively smaller, better shaped with right angles and they are propped up by other stones. By comparison the Standing Stones seem to hang in thin air as if the builders had managed to capture the balance in the harmony of nature.
South Facing stones
Many individual megaliths large and small are tilted away from the Sun. The tilt is around 20 degrees off a North-South axis. It reminds us of the axial tilt of the Earth.
Individual stones are turned South towards the Sun even if the angle of the hill on which they stand is not southwards.
The soft molded granite stones of Rozovets look like they have just been poured out of a mold.
It is similar to the Hanan Pacha period in Machu Picchu.
In Rozovets the stones have a rounded shape as if they had been turned like clay on a potter’s wheel to imitate nature. The stones seem to hang in balance together like fruits on the branch of a tree.
- The stones of Rozovets are made from a composite material that combines some kind of sandstone and quartz granules. The result is a gritty quartz cement.
Type of stone
In Rozovets are made from a composite material that combines some kind of sandstone and quartz granules. The result is a gritty quartz cement.
Lines of quartz blocks in the granite
Quartz blocks are laid out in a regular linear pattern like a sandwich. The lines of quartz are parallel and fixed in granite stone.
Grid lines of quartz underground
There are lines of quartz in the ground that form a grid that underlies the site of Rozovets as if an electrical network that power the megaliths.
Transcript of the video documentary on the megaliths of Rozovets
The Bulgaria Pyramid Project
Talking to Stones in Rozovets
Rozovets is one of the most exciting megalithic sites in Bulgaria. It covers a huge area and it is well preserved. The many stones still standing are impressive by their size, shape and geometrical formations.
The stones of Rozovets tell us a fascinating story about their origin and purpose. On this journey we will find out who are its builders and what was their intention.
To understand what the stones of Rozovets are telling us we will listen to their location and position as well as their shape and composition.
Rozovets is part of the Middle Mountain band of megalithic sites that stretches East-West on the South side of the Central Balkan mountain range marked here as yellow dots. It includes:
- The Double Pyramid of Bania
- The pyramids of Pesnopoy and Stryama
- And Hisaria
There are many similarities between these sites in the composition of the stones as well as their shape and lay out.
The location is an essential part of its function. This site is one instrument in the orchestra, like the part of an engine.
So by listening to Rozovets in its regional context we are tuning in to the symphony to listen to the cosmic harmony of the stones. And hopefully we’ll understand the message.
Rozovets is spread across several hills. It extends over 5km in length diagonally East-West and 2km deep North-South. It is huge compared to other sites.
The elevation of Rozovets is between 600m and 800m.
Apart from a pyramidal formation on the South side of Rozovets the hills where most of the stones are laid out have no summit to mark a point of culmination. The site seems amorphic. And yet there is nothing random about the location of these standing stones. The surrounding hills harbour no such megaliths. It means that this area was chosen specifically to lay out the stones in this manner.
The Alignments
Rozovets is a myriad of clusters of standing stones like a tightly knit group of stars that we can’t distinguish from far away. And yet in all this cacophony there must be a pattern that rings true.
The stones of Rozovets form grid lines that span several kilometers across the hills. Like relay stations clusters of stones are dotted along these parallel lines that are laid out in a diagonal East – West alignment.
With Google Earth we distinguish patterns in the alignments of the stone clusters. There are diagonal lines at around 30 degrees South West to North East that cross lines that are nearly perpendicular at around 110 degrees North West to South East.
And whilst the position of the stones on most other sites in the Middle Mountain are off exact cardinal points by a few degrees here in Rozovets most of the stones are perfectly aligned to True South.
Rozovets talks to us so loud and clear. But in a language that we can no longer understand. There is cohesion here. The builders had a plan. And there is a message in these stones that we need to decipher.
You too can help us understand the message by looking for patterns on Google Earth. As part of the Bulgaria Pyramid Project we provide all the data for free so you can look for alignments cardinal and geometrical to make sense of the layout of the stones.
Some clusters of giant stones form 3-dimensional geometrical shapes.
The Pyramid
These are the standing stones that the area is famous for. Originally there were 3 standing stones lined up one behind the other on a North – South axis.
Two stones are still standing. The third one on the North side has fallen backwards in a South to North direction which is a similar pattern to what we see in Slanchevo.
Each stone is around 5m high and up to 1.8m wide at the base and estimated to weigh around 25 tons.
If we listen to these stones carefully we realise that they form a pyramid. They are laid out on a cross that is aligned to the cardinal points.
The central stone stands slightly taller.
It acts as a pyramidion. The pointed cap of a pyramid. It is the top level.
The 3 standing stones constitute the second level. They fit into a cube ensconced into the triangular shape of the pyramid.
The base forms a cross aligned to the cardinal points. It is the third level.
The North and South branches of the cross are longer. They measure around 5m whilst the East and West branches are only 3m long.
Overall this pyramidal formation has 5 levels.
The standing stones and their base together form the first, second and third levels.
They form a cross that is contained in a 4th level that is 2m lower forming a rectangular base which is itself contained in a 5th level which is wider and lower by 2m.
Awareness of planetary alignments
When we listen to the stones we find important numbers in their geometry. All is number.
The builders of Rozovets had an understanding of the movement of the planets in relation to the position of Earth. In the geometric proportions of the stone formations we discover numbers that represent time in space. As above, so below.
- The central standing stone which acts as a pyramidion at the summit is number 1. It reminds us of the Sun.
- Number 3 is found in the number of standing stones and is associated with the Moon.
- The cross aligned to the 4 cardinal points represents Earth.
- And number 5 found in the number of levels of the pyramid is a reflection of Venus.
There is a message in the stones. They are talking to us. Geometry after all is numbers in space. And these volumes are like music. They represent Time in a cosmic symphony orchestrated on Earth. We just need to listen to the harmony.
The standing stones of Rozovets are just one section of the orchestra. If you are ready to listen there are many more clusters of stones waiting to be heard…
The Tetrahedron
The Tetrahedron is one of many clusters that form geometrical figures. Hidden below the canopy of trees it looks relatively small compared to its neighbours.
And yet when you come in close to listen you realise how big and impressive it is.
The overall structure forms a three dimensional triangle.
Each side seems to be equal in length, an equilateral triangle that reminds us of the Winter Triangle in the sky composed of the stars Sirius, Betelgeuse of the Orion constellation and Procyon.
The tetrahedron has 5 levels.
The hypotenuse of the triangle from top to bottom of the structure is 22m long.
One of the smaller stones at the bottom of this triangular formation is 6m long at the base and 6m on either side. The stone laying above is also 6m in length.
The top megalith that forms the summit of this 3 dimensional triangle is 6m high from the ground to the top. At its base it is 5 by 7 meters wide. And I am only measuring the visible part which is above ground. Like an iceberg there is bound to be a part underground.
This monolith is estimated to weigh over 100 tons. It is perched on the edge of a hill with a 20% gradient and set within a precise triangular formation made up of a dozen similarly large stones.
What we are hearing here is proof of intelligent design and technical know-how.
The organic nature of the universe
There is the same symmetry in the parts as in the whole. It reflects the fractal nature of the universe. The microcosm is a reflection of the macrocosm. It reminds us of plants and atoms, how the same pattern repeats infinitely at every scale in the natural world.
And we are witnessing here how the builders reproduced the macro-cosmic order onto Earth’s micro-scale.
The stone structures of Rozovets are a communion between its builders and the cosmos. They are an image of the planetary dance like a tattoo etched into Earth’s crust. It is time molded into matter. The builders stamped its rhythm into the stones of Rozovets. And so if you listen carefully you will hear Time played out like the vibrations on a violin.
When we ask the stones who are their builders we can listen to the answer. It is ingrained in their location, position, shape and composition.
An Organic Shape
If we listen more attentively we notice patterns not just in the layout of the stones but also in their shape.
We realise that they have an organic shape as opposed to the rectilinear chiseled stone blocks of the Great Pyramid of Giza and Stonehenge.
The soft molded granite stones of Rozovets look like they have just been poured out of a mold.
It is similar to the Hanan Pacha period in Machu Picchu.
In Rozovets the stones have a rounded shape as if they had been turned like clay on a potter’s wheel to imitate nature. The stones seem to hang in balance together like fruits on the branch of a tree.
The rounded shape reminds us of spiraling galaxies that reflect the ever-evolving nature of the universe as opposed to the static Earthbound matter found in square blocks which are moribund. By comparison Giza and Stonehenge are the reflection of an epoch when matter had already become denser and needed to be carved and broken to fit into an artificial structure.
Turned towards the Sun South facing
The stones in Rozovets typically have a flat back and a bulging front that is always facing South whatever the angle of the hill on which it stands.
Inclination 20 degrees
Many stones are tilted away from the Sun. The tilt is around 20 degrees off a North-South axis. It reminds us of the axial tilt of the Earth as well as the inclination of many megalithic structures such as the Double Pyramid of Ostrets and the rampart of Sopot. It is also similar to the diagonal lines of the quartz found in Bania and Sokolitsa.
Laid out by 3
The stones are most often laid out by threes.
Big or small they have a similar shape but each one is unique. They have not been formed from a single mold.
They are triangular with a bottom left side molded into a flat point like an arrowhead stuck into the ground. We find the same angle of the tip on other stones of different sizes in different locations.
Some granite stones have suture marks like pressed glass. Here we see several rhombuses like the suit diamonds in a pack of cards. We found similar sutures in molded granite in Bania, Sokolitsa and Plovdiv.
What is the shape and layout of the stones telling us? If 3 is the Moon and South is the Sun what should we understand?
If we listen to these signs we realise that the stones are like musical notes that flow harmoniously as an emanation of the cosmic symphony.
The Pew
The pew is a circle of standing stones hanging on the edge of one of the hills. It is one cluster in the grid that forms a mesh across the Southern slopes.
It is aligned with the pyramidal formation on the South side at an angle of 42 degrees.
You can see the standing stones in the background 2 lines above.
And protruding through the forest canopy you can see the white tips of many more standing stones waiting to reveal their secrets.
The pew is a good example of the shape of the stones on a large scale. The lower stones are at least 20m high.
They have a flat back and bulging front that faces South. They are molded into soft rounded shapes.
They have the same suture marks forming rhombuses. The bottom left corner is cut at the same angle pointed into the ground.
The stones of Rozovets want to tell us their story. And if we are ready to listen they will also tell us the tale of its builders who have a very different mindset from those of the pyramids of Giza and Stonehenge.
Different mind-set than Pyramids of Egypt
Rozovets is the reflection of a different form of consciousness. Its builders mirrored the cosmic order like a pure reflection. They did not try to understand intellectually the universe like we would. The builders reflected the natural order like plants absorb the Sun and intuitively follow the lunar cycles and planetary movements.
The stones tell us about an earlier stage of the evolution of mankind. One when humanity was not yet fully detached from the universe and cosmic order. This will be expanded in a video on dating these sites.
Quartz Cement
If we listen even more attentively to the stones and analyse their composition we notice that they are made from a composite material that combines some kind of sandstone and quartz granules. The result is a gritty quartz cement.
We see it in the stones still standing as well as in the decomposed grit that results from erosion.
Quartz Inlay
There is quartz both in the cement mix and inlaid as layers in the stone.
The quartz blocks are laid out in a regular linear pattern like a sandwich.
If it was only one line of quartz we could dismiss it as a natural phenomenon but the regularity of the multiple parallel lines demonstrates that there is a pattern and therefore intention as opposed to randomness.
The quartz cement composition of the stones and the quartz inlay is commonly found at the megalithic sites in the Middle Mountain region, in Bania, Sokolitsa and Stryama, but not in other areas where there are no megaliths.
Many stones bear the linear marks of the inlay where the quartz blocks seem to be missing. At the same time at the bottom of the hills we find large pieces of quartz that are most likely the result of millenia of weathering and erosion.
The blocks of quartz probably became detached from the stone formations. Originally they would have been inlaid like a layer of quartz in a stone sandwich.
The presence of quartz lines is an important feature because quartz conducts energy.
In different locations of Rozovets including the lowest point in elevation around the artificial lake we see a grid of quartz lines like electricity cables laid bare. We found similar grids at the pyramid of Stryama.
Maybe the purpose of this grid is to conduct energy across the entire site of Rozovets.
The question is: were the stone formations built to pull down energy from the cosmos to Earth or draw it from the Earth’s core to direct it towards the heavens above, or were they set up as a 2-way transfer?
Whatever the answer we realise that by listening to the stones its builders had the intention to harness the energy of Earth and the cosmos using stone formations.
As above in the cosmos so below on Earth, megalithic sites like Rozovets are a portal. They create a link, a key, between the planetary system above us and Earth’s core below.
Its builders are but an extension of the cosmos on Earth.
The stones of Rozovets are telling us their story and that of an earlier epoch of humanity. It is molded in plain sight and can be understood by looking at the sites’ location and position as well as the shape and composition of its stones.
- From the location we understand that the function of the site is determined by its position in relation to other megalithic sites in the region and beyond.
- From the lay out of the stones in specific geometrical formations we understand that their purpose is to reflect the cosmic order.
- The organic shape of the stones and their tilt reminds us of the continual rhythmic movement of the spheres around the sun that produces energy.
- And finally the composition of the quartz cement inlaid with quartz blocks tells us about the site’s purpose to transfer energy between Earth and the Universe.
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